Welcome to GMS

Mission Statement

The mission of Glencoe Middle School is to empower responsible citizens through a rigorous, high-quality, relevant education in a safe, supportive, and student-centered environment.


  • We empower all students to be academically, technologically, and socially successful in a global workforce.
  • We challenge all students through an equitable, nurturing, safe environment to be productive citizens.
  • We succeed by creating strong home, community, and school partnerships.
click here for Frontline
Adrian Payne
Kona Ice Pre-Order QR Code
Amy Millican
Please Complete Our Title I Parent Survey


Please click the link below to complete our Title I Parent Survey.

Title I Parent Survey Link

Mollie Free
Jordan Baker
Dress Code Reminders as You Prepare for the New Year
  • Pants/Jeans cannot have holes above the knee.

  • Revealing clothing may not be worn at any time. Mid drift shirts and off-the-shoulder shirts are not allowed.

  • Students must wear proper undergarments, and those undergarments should never be visible outside a student's clothes.

  • The length of shorts/skirts/dresses must not be shorter than 3" above the top of the knee.

  • Shirts/dresses worn with leggings must not be shorter than 3" above the top of the knee.

  • Sleepwear/Pajama pants are not allowed.

  • House shoes are not allowed.

  • Hats, caps, bandanas, visors, hoods, and sunglasses must be removed upon entering the school building and must be appropriately stored.

Student Handbook

Click HERE for the GMS Student Handbook.

Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program

Student Device Policy:

Students shall not possess any digital device within the testing room when participating in ACAP testing. The possession of a digital device by students participating in ACAP testing is strictly prohibited during the administration of a test. The ONLY exception to this policy is for students who have been pre-approved by the Building Test Coordinator or the Principal to have a digital device that is necessary for the health and/or well­ being of the student.

If students are in possession of a digital device that is within their reach during the administration of an ACAP test, the device will be confiscated and, if the appropriate administrator determines that there is reasonable suspicion that the device was used to capture, record, or share test information or to facilitate cheating on the test, it may be subject to search pursuant to LEA policy for any information directly related to the ACAP test being administered. Additionally, the student will be dismissed from testing immediately and the test may be invalidated in accordance with ACAP policy. Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action by the LEA in accordance with the LEA's disciplinary policy.

Etowah County Creative Writing Winners at GMS
Parents' Right to Know


Please be aware that you may request, and the school will provide in a timely manner, information regarding the professional qualifications of your child's classroom teacher(s), including the following:

Parents Right-to-Know (Teacher Qualifications)


(A) QUALIFICATIONS- At the beginning of each school year, a local educational agency that receives funds under this part shall notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving funds under this part that the parents may request, and the agency will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information regarding the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers, including, at a minimum, the following:

(i) Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.

(ii) Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.

(iii) The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.

(iv) Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

(B) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- In addition to the information that parents may request under subparagraph (A), a school that receives funds under this part shall provide to each individual parent—

information on the level of achievement and academic growth of the student, if applicable and available, on each of the State academic assessments required under this part; and timely notice that the student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

(C) FORMAT- The notice and information provided to parents under this paragraph shall be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.

Click here to download form to request teacher qualifications.
