**We are very proud of Mrs. Ginny Smith and the work she has done at GMS so far this year!  Mrs. Smith teaches 8th Grade English Language Arts and 8th Grade Accelerated English Language Arts, and she works daily to bring innovation, energy, and excitement into her classroom, enriching the learning environment in a multitude of ways each day.  When students walk into Mrs. Smith’s class, they are immersed in learning filled with intentional connections that simultaneously address reading, speaking, listening, and writing in creative ways.  When asked about the thing she has enjoyed the most this year, Mrs. Smith said, “getting to know all my students has been a highlight so far.”  **

You Rock!

We are extremely proud of Mr. Champion!  As our September “You Rock” Award winner, Mr. Champion reminds us that school spirit, a positive attitude, and a dedication to learning are all things that we can bring to each day that will make the day better for someone else.  Mr. Champion teaches in our Special Education Department, and he works closely with students in seventh and eighth grades focusing on English Language Arts and Mathematics.  Students find Mr. Champion to be encouraging, excited, and  outgoing.  When asked about the best part of his year so far, Mr. Champion said, “I’ve really enjoyed collaborating with my co-workers to help our students reach their potential.”  Congratulations, Mr. Champion, on a job well done!

You Rock, Teacher of the Year!

We are incredibly proud to announce that Mrs. Andrea Janss has been chosen as our Teacher of the Year for 2023-24!  She is also the October recipient of our You Rock Award, and she represents a commitment to excellence in the classroom and in service to our school as a whole.  Mrs. Janss is a dedicated member of our seventh grade faculty, teaching English Language Arts and sponsoring our Peer Helpers.  She brings excitement and determination to her classroom each day, and her students enjoy the many ways she makes learning fun. When asked about the best part of the year so far, Mrs. Janss said, “My favorite thing this year has been getting to know the ‘one of a kind’ personalities of all my seventh graders.  They are the reason I LOVE what I do.”  Thank you, Mrs. Janss, for all that you do for our school!  We are better each day because of the work that you do!

Congratulations, Nurse Casey Lackey!

We are so proud to announce that Casey Lackey has been chosen as our Support Personnel of the Year for 2023-24!  As our school nurse, Mrs. Lackey serves a crucial role in our school.  She is dedicated, attentive, dependable, and caring, and everyone in our school is thankful for her support and guidance each day.  Nurse Lackey works directly with students daily; likewise, she advises teachers and communicates with parents and guardians, making her a truly extraordinary part of our team.  Students think of Nurse Lackey as funny and no-nonsense, and they know she will take care of them when needed.  When asked about the best part of this year so far, Nurse Lackey said, “The best part of my job is the people I work with, and I also enjoy being a part of this community.”  We appreciate you, Nurse Lackey!  Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

You Rock!

We are very proud to announce that Mrs. Breonna King has been chosen as our “You Rock” Award winner for November!  Mrs. King teaches 6th Grade Math and Social Studies and is committed to learning and academic achievement.  She has a zeal for progress and challenges her students daily to be better today than they were before, and her students enjoy the positive atmosphere she creates in her classroom. When asked about the best part of the year so far, Mrs. King said, “Getting to know my students’ personalities and watching them reach their educational goals has been the best part of this academic year.”  Thank you, Mrs. King, for all that you do for our school!  We are truly a better school because of you!

You Rock!
You Rock

We are very proud to announce that Mrs. Hannah Badgett has been chosen as our “You Rock” Award winner for January!  Mrs. Badgett teaches 5th Grade English Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies.  She is a determined teacher who challenges her students daily to rise to every occasion. When asked about the best part of the year so far, Mrs. Badgett said, “This year, we have a cohesive group of 5th grade teachers who work very well together.  The camaraderie that we share has been a benefit for the students and the teachers in our grade.”  Thank you, Mrs. Badgett, for all that you do for our school!  We are proud of your dedication and hard work!

You Rock!

We are very proud to announce that Mr. Chris Hall has been chosen as our “You Rock” Award winner for April!  Coach Hall teaches 7th Grade Math, 7th Grade Accelerated Math, and Math Lab, and he makes use of inquiry and discovery learning to inspire his students daily .  Coach Hall is innovative and focused, and his students enjoy the real world connections he creates in his classroom. When we asked about this year, Coach Hall said, “The best part of this year so far has been this group of students' willingness to try new things and apply themselves.  It is always very rewarding to see that light bulb go off in a student's head when a concept finally clicks.”  Thank you, Coach Hall, for all that you do for our school!  We are thankful for your direction and leadership!

You Rock!
Megan Henson

We are very proud to announce that Mrs. Megan Henson has been chosen as our “You Rock” Award winner for February!  Mrs. Henson teaches 8th Grade Physical Science and We Build It Better and is committed to building a strong science foundation for our students.  She has a creativity and excitement that is contagious, and her students enjoy the driven atmosphere she creates in her classroom. When asked about the best part of the year so far, Mrs. Henson said, “The faculty and staff here at Glencoe Middle have made me feel so welcome and have helped make Glencoe feel like home to me from the very beginning.  My favorite part has been getting to know my students and watching them grow and learn throughout the year. ”  Thank you, Mrs. Henson, for all that you do for our school!  We are fortunate to have you as a part of our team!